Seattle - September 2024
Mary and I spent seven days in Seattle, touring the city, taking in sites, going to a couple
museums, going up in the Needle, riding the Ferry, riding the various Lite Rails and busses,
and riding a Sea Plane. Long summer and a get-a-away trip was in order. Like a second
honeymoon, two years later, this time we went to the other side of the United States. Below
are various pictures taken on the trip.
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Marek Mountain Travels
the personal travel site of Frolin Marek
© Frolin Marek 1994-2025
all rights reserved - all pages & sites
Summary - this album is a summary of pictures, maybe 6-12 pulled from each daily album below, to give you a general
overview of what we saw over our 7 day trip.
Day 1 - flew in to Seattle, rode the Rail line from airport, checked in the hotel, walked around the boat docks and did some
brief sight seeing via the Lite Rail line.
Day 2 - took a Guided Tour of the city via shuttle van, saw various sites includes parks and a river lock system. Also went
up in the Seattle Needle, visited a Glass Works museum, and rode more Lite Rails.
Day 3 - went to Pike Place Market, then took a Harbor Tour boat ride around the bay area. Rode a bus south of the city to
the Museum of Flight, walked thru a Concorde and the first Air Force One, saw various planes and space craft exhibits.
Day 4 - rented a Jeep, visited a model railroad, a Walmart, an Outlet Mall and then drove out East to see Snoqualmie Falls
and had dinner in a Casino. (railroad pictures are separate/below)
Day 5 - visited another model railroad, took in the waterfront nearby. Back to Seattle to visit Gas Works Park. Then rode
the Ferry to Bainbridge Island for dinner and the night view of the city. (railroad pictures are separate/below)
Day 6 - visited the first Starbucks location, sorta visited Chinatown area, and rode the Great Wheel. Then we rode one of
those Sea Planes around the city for a tour. Ending with another great view from our patio.
Day 7 - our last day was relaxed with breakfast in the hotel, another walk along the boat docks nearby, then packed and
rode the Lite Rail back to the airport for the travel home.
Layout 1 - visited Craig Wright’s 1/32n20 model railroad. This layout features mostly scratch built buildings and rolling
stock in 1/32 scale, based loosely on the Gilpin Tram.
Layout 2 - visited Gary Jordan’s 1/48 O scale layout, modeling the Gilpin Tram. The layout features O standard gauge,
On3 three foot and mostly models in On2 two foot. Two rooms and two levels.
Watch a collection of video clips taken during the trip.
- - - not yet available / in the works - - -
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